How Do You Get Morton’s Neuroma?
There are a few of ways to “get” Morton’s Neuroma. Overuse, dysfunctional shoe wear, or an acute injury. For example, from stepping on a rock.
Most common is overuse. As a tennis player, my feet would take a pounding a few times a week. Being overweight didn’t help. That’s a lot of stress on feet, ankles and knees.
I also liked to walk.
I’ve been using a Fitbit since 2014. Some health improvement advocates suggest that we need 10,000 steps a day to be fit.
So, I did that too. I found out that it’s too much.
Between the tennis pounding and trying to achieve a 10,000 steps per day fitness routine, it’s no surprise that foot problems ensued.
I did my best to take care of my feet; replacing my court shoes whenever the support wore out or making sure to get the best walking shoes I could get for the money.
But that wasn’t enough to prevent that itching, burning and excruciating pain that stopped me in my tracks on my way through the Denver airport in 2015.
Dysfunctional Footwear
Wouldn’t you love to own a pair of Louboutin high heels? Maybe you do own a pair…
But me, I live in a small town and my “dress up” evenings consist of attending City Council meetings. So, no, there will be no Louboutin’s in my life.
And that’s a good thing!
However, even wearing some sensible low-heeled pumps frequently, may not be the best thing for your feet and can contribute to Morton’s Neuroma.
Those sensible pumps can still squeeze your toes together enough to compress that nerve, usually between the third and fourth toe, causing inflammation and pain.
Direct Injury
And of course, then there is the direct injury. Accidentally stepping on a rock or something sharp could injure the nerve.
So, these are the basic causes of Morton’s Neuroma, overuse, dysfunctional shoe wear and acute injury. And, if you would like help healing your Morton’s Neuroma, check the protocols page for more information or download the eBook…Heal Morton’s Neuroma and get started stopping the pain!